..The round, the rectangular and the oval face, the usual look of Ecuadorian Mestizo ...
Of course cross breeding at several levels made the mestizos of Ecuador take all shapes, colors, forms and sizes.
You may discover all the kind of specie that compose the Ecuadorian race if you take a walk...just a walk not a tour .. Ecuadorian kids are super ugly ....if you take a walk in the junction boulevard and up to flushing park , the hole area is Ecuadorian Mestizos infested ...Now after they got the reputation of having the over sized rain Forrest mestizos face ...They tend to like to be represented with a shrunken head....lol YES they happens to have small head but, its exceptions....
Their females tend to dye it's hair blond a lot ....self hating sentiment of the native roots??....i wont be surprised...they claim they are from Brasil ....stupid Mestizos!!