mardi 30 novembre 2010

Ecuador is Number 1 in illegal immigration

The number of Ecuadorians illegally entering the US by sea has surpassed the number of Cuban boat people or illegal Hatian immigrants, according to a recent study by the US Embassy in Quito, Ecuador. The source of the problem is that the Ecuadorian government is not funding any resources to stop this wave of emigration, as they do not give it priority in their budget and military planning.The Ecuadorian immigrants have thus become protagonists of the largest wave of maritime ilegal immigration in modern history, according to the Embassy.

Ecuador, in keeping with its new arrogant and sovereign attitude, has been one of the most fervent critics of the anti-immigration policies of the rich countries, starting from the restrictions in Spain all the way to the criminalization in Arizona. Not only that, but the government, in an attitude matching its official posture, decided to open the borders to all visitors who might want to come to our beautiful land. The logic is that, if we defend the rights of emigrants, we must be willing to accept the aliens who might wish to enter our country, no matter where they come from or what their traits might be.

Ask an Ecuadorian to name the largest Ecuadorian cities and one is likely to receive the following answer, “Guayaquil, Quito...then New York City.” At least in popular opinion, New York City has become the third largest “Ecuadorian” city in the world.

Normal The Mestizos Got the blessing of the corrupt department.

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vendredi 26 novembre 2010

Ecuador Chica....

What do you want to be in the Future?
( note in the future, not when you grow up ...the future may be 1 to several years..)

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samedi 20 novembre 2010

Junior Papa Chico looking for trabajo !

I junir Papa Chico , no need trabajo,
NYS pays everything for me .
I tries gat trabajo now ....
Dear Sir madam,
My name is Junior Papa Chicko...i been living on welfare for an e son raul go to school and i get paid because i gave birth to that...Teachers say hes retarded even after he got glasses hes results are just low and low i dont have big excpectation from him other than the wefare money ....Now i need to start working ....

Iam from ecuador i live in Corona i spent the last 10 years spending welfare money and lestining to music all day long, people tell me i have to work, that is no good to use tax payers money , but i never listen , i like NYC i blare loud music all day long, and i sepend wefare money for new clothes and NYC hats and glasses....i like that people see me in new clothes every day ..i stand outside all day, nobody hires me .....I Just keep on watching people working...
I speak english also spanich , i have ecuadorian mestizos accent, but i hide it when i talk slow, cause mestizos are known to talk like in fastforward.....i know basic english, it's very limited but i can write my name ... I know that NYC is land of oporynitys ...even peolpe like me can gats a job ..I know a lot of Ecuadorians in NYC thats got trabajos in grandes compaggyas,,factorias....etc ...NYC no need to be smart or edecating to fend a trabajo....

I was sneaking around and i found your trabajo offer on craigslist, i will consider any trabajo offer, i have long experience house keeping and maintenance i used to make hats in Ecuador.....also i can make sucks and shoes ....

junior papa Chico
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vendredi 19 novembre 2010

Ecuador: where food got personality!

Celebrating Christmas in Ecuador
Yes, the Flag is Ecuadorian flag not Colombian, it been celebrated in Ecuador and Los Mestizos use the 3 colored flag anyways. It is great how imaginative they are ..."Piggy for president"!

By the way the Ecuadorian president was planning to immigrate to mars...his trip failed and he suffered an serious eyes burning due to the extraterrestrial atmosphere....

"Yes, I, El Presidente, no immigrate Nueva York...
I, El Presidente go Mars....Yes I can has go !

Apparently...wasn't as easy as to get shipped to Nueva York ,
El Presidente thought Mars was over seas in the vertical way...

They told me to use "mask a gas" to breath like in Apollo 13

He no can go mars with "mask a gas"!!!!

No, I no take you to Uranus, Go to Nueva York!!!

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mercredi 17 novembre 2010

Ecuador: Tourism at it's purest.

Ecuador is a great destination for tourists from all over the world, The 3 ways are used to reach the great Mestizos land, aerial, nasal and terrestrial....

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mercredi 10 novembre 2010

sarcasm quand tu nous prends...

As posted before this blog is on hold for it's "anti-Mestizos opinions", we can only post positive things about Mestizos until new order..

Mestizos in this blog refers to Ecuadorian Mestizo descendants of Aucas and Jivaros ....
Mestizos are the result of the cross breeding between Spanish conqueror and Native Ecuadorians...
They represent a great cultural and historical treasure , white conqueror most of them back to Europe after invading Ecuador left behind the sick, rejects, convicted criminals and retarded that they doesn't want back to Europe....Those forced to live among native Americans constitute the about 3% of whites in Ecuador. That's happened 400 to 600 years ago ....Native Ecuadorian considered those whites left over like their people and coexisted with them since then on, making what we call now "Mestizos republic" or Ecuador. The great thing about Mestizos is their special status..the enrichment that they brought to the history of the world. While the world races before the discovery of the world was limited to white, black or native American,( talking about this side of the Atlantic ocean), now we have a new race that resulted from this forced cross breeding ( lol i like this one...forced cross breeding).

The new world demographic composition upon the arrival of European was boring: whites, native Americans and blacks later...even the whole world demographic composition was limited...
The Europeans discover the new world invade natives land, culture and population and like magic a new specie pops up! ...."The Mestizo" or what you call now Latinos or Hispanics, this blog is dedicated to Ecuadorians but the theory is about all Hispanics so they will understand what they are and where they come from (Long time ago... old gringos testicles....).

The great thing about Mestizo is that they represent a variety, an uncountable humans looks, like stated before they "take all shapes forms, colors and sizes"....This is perfectly explained by the more than 400 years of cross breeding and the fact that since the discovery of the new world until this day, the new world was a destination for travelers from all over the world to enjoy what the new continent has to offers from nature, landscape and the richness of what was once called native American civilization to the company of natives, usually ends up with a crossbreeding and the formation of a new look on the new land.
Mestizos now use this point to, some time when ashamed of their origin, even tough the Mestizo are a great plus in the history of the world like stated before, some of them, use the fact of that they "take all shapes, colors, forms and size"to claim ancestry to another country often overseas....What el Mestizo trying to say is that... his or her grand father from the sited country spent a two weeks vacation in the new continent and has unprotected sex with her grand mother..."bad gringo...".Some times Gringos just abuse the purity and the innocence of natives....bringing..diseases and unwanted kids....This practice must be stopped to save the culture and the civilization of native Americans....

Back to Ecuadorian Mestizos..Now we know where they come from....lets discover how great they are...
To be continued...

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