samedi 20 novembre 2010

Junior Papa Chico looking for trabajo !

I junir Papa Chico , no need trabajo,
NYS pays everything for me .
I tries gat trabajo now ....
Dear Sir madam,
My name is Junior Papa Chicko...i been living on welfare for an e son raul go to school and i get paid because i gave birth to that...Teachers say hes retarded even after he got glasses hes results are just low and low i dont have big excpectation from him other than the wefare money ....Now i need to start working ....

Iam from ecuador i live in Corona i spent the last 10 years spending welfare money and lestining to music all day long, people tell me i have to work, that is no good to use tax payers money , but i never listen , i like NYC i blare loud music all day long, and i sepend wefare money for new clothes and NYC hats and glasses....i like that people see me in new clothes every day ..i stand outside all day, nobody hires me .....I Just keep on watching people working...
I speak english also spanich , i have ecuadorian mestizos accent, but i hide it when i talk slow, cause mestizos are known to talk like in fastforward.....i know basic english, it's very limited but i can write my name ... I know that NYC is land of oporynitys ...even peolpe like me can gats a job ..I know a lot of Ecuadorians in NYC thats got trabajos in grandes compaggyas,,factorias....etc ...NYC no need to be smart or edecating to fend a trabajo....

I was sneaking around and i found your trabajo offer on craigslist, i will consider any trabajo offer, i have long experience house keeping and maintenance i used to make hats in Ecuador.....also i can make sucks and shoes ....

junior papa Chico
Enhanced by Zemanta

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